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フランスの反核ネットワーク Réseau "SORTIR DU NUCLEAIRE "から






Let us unite against nuclear and hazardous waste

On the occasion of radioactive transport most of the world, on Friday 5 and Saturday, November 6, 2010, Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" calls for rallies and awareness campaigns in as many railway stations in France to denounce the transport Nuclear plying the roads and railway.

Together, let light on the nuclear standoff.

As part of the call below with Greenpeace, mobilization will be organized along the transport route (Manche, Calvados, Eure, Seine Maritime, Somme, Pas de Calais, Nord, Aisne, Ardennes, Meuse, Moselle, Meurthe et Moselle, Bas Rhin), especially in the cities of Caen, Rouen, Amiens, Arras, Nancy, Strasbourg.

For schedules of the convoy, learn more about this transport and act with us throughout France:

To act near you, we are at your disposal material (banner, poster, flyer, t-shirts ...).

Thank you for your work with us.

Laura Hamlets
National Coordination of groups and actions
Réseau Sortir du nucléaire
Mobile: 33 (0) 685 230 511
Tel: 33 (0) 320 179 491
Mail: @ laura.hameaux sortirdunucleaire.fr

Call Network "Sortir du nucléaire" and Greenpeace

Train d'enfer: transport radioactive record

5 and 6 November

Let us unite against nuclear and hazardous waste

5 and 6 November 2010, eleven waste containers very highly radioactive waste from reprocessing spent fuel from German Areva, will leave The Hague (English Channel) to return to Germany. They will be temporarily stored in a hangar on the site in Lower Saxony Gorleben, waiting for a "solution".

Neither the Hague nor Gorleben: no satisfactory solution exists today for the radioactive waste management

If the Hague is not a storage place satisfactory Gorleben is not over. This waste must return to their place of production, because nuclear power is a choice that everyone must assume the moral, political, financial and environmental.

These wastes must logically back to the sender. In this case, nuclear power plants owned by four major German electricity generators.

Transport the most radioactive in the world: no transport combining at once all the radioactivity has never been realized.

Radioactive rays emitted by the eleven containers "CASTOR" cause a radiation hazard of railway and populations along the route the convoy will pass. The reprocessing of nuclear waste is directly responsible for the phenomenal concentration of radioactivity in the convoy.

France, Germany and elsewhere, nuclear is a dead end!

This transport-record is an opportunity to recall some truths about the thousands of nuclear transport that circulate each year in France, and the reality of reprocessing nuclear waste.

Any transport of highly radioactive material involves real risks. Yet local people are not aware of the passage of convoys, nor the associated risks.

Under the guise of "sorting" and "recycling", Areva, at its plant in La Hague, increases the volume of radioactive waste products (for a ton retired about 65 m3 of waste products), environmental contamination (gaseous and liquid) but also the risks of proliferation (extraction of plutonium).

Mobilize us against false solutions of the nuclear industry

The environmental groups - including Greenpeace and the Network "Sortir du nucléaire" - got off the reprocessing of German waste. Thus, if Germany does not send its spent fuel in France, there are still hundreds of tonnes of German waste stored pending a solution to the Hague, or in storage facilities the Channel or de l'Aube. The storage of nuclear waste, submitted as course 40 years ago, turned to disaster in the former mine Asse II in Germany. Every day for years, more than 12 m3 of water entering the mine.

Network "Sortir du nucléaire" and Greenpeace call for the widest possible mobilization on Friday 5 and Saturday, November 6 on the transport route (Manche, Calvados, Eure, Seine Maritime, Somme, Pas de Calais, Nord, Aisne, Ardennes , Meuse, Moselle, Meurthe et Moselle, Bas Rhin), especially in the cities of Caen, Rouen, Amiens, Arras, Nancy, Strasbourg).

Our goal is not to interfere with the convoy but shed light on the false solutions of the nuclear industry to manage these wastes, whether in Gorleben at La Hague (Manche) or at Bure (Meuse ).

To act near you, we are at your disposal material (banner, poster, flyer, t-shirts ...).

Nuclear waste will remain radioactive for tens of thousands of years. Stop and go out to produce nuclear energy!

For schedules of the convoy, learn more about this transport and act with us:

Laura Hamlets
National Coordination of groups and actions
Réseau Sortir du nucléaire
Mobile: 33 (0) 685 230 511
Tel: 33 (0) 320 179 491
Mail: @ laura.hameaux sortirdunucleaire.fr
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