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昨年は京都で開かれたアジア開発銀行(ADB)総会。 今年はスペインのマドリッドで開催されています。 ジュビリーサウスからのステートメントが発表されたので翻訳します(原文末尾)。 ----------------- ADB(アジア開発銀行)の「戦略2020」は民間セクターへの“アジア売却戦略”だ アジア開発銀行(ADB)第41回総会がスペインのマドリッドで2008年5月3日から6日にかけて開催されています。今回の総会の重要議題の一つが、「新アジア」と称されるものに向けての今後数年間のADBの戦略です。これはADBの「長期戦略フレームワーク(LTSF)」の一部を構成するもので、「戦略2020」と呼ばれています。 ADB黒田東彦総裁によると、この新戦略は、「急速に変化するアジア、および国際援助体制という枠組みの中で、ADBがより革新的で有効な開発支援を行っていくための活動内容、方向性、および在り方を見直したもの」です。 ADBが民間セクターと自由市場政策の擁護者を支援し続け、その結果、人々の暮らし、人々への基本的サービス、食糧安全保障、そして環境に大きな被害がもたらされたことを私たちはこの40年間、目にしてきました。
これらのサービスの民営化は、絶え間ない料金の高騰と貧しい家庭やコミュニティがこれらのサービスにアクセスできなくなるという事態をもたらしました。自然の資源は民間ビジネスに独占的に私物化され、大規模なコミュニティの強制移転や環境破壊が行われてきました。 ADBはまた、汚染や気候変動を引き起こす化石燃料プロジェクト、特に石炭プロジェクトへの民間投資(公共投資もですが)を積極的に後押ししてきました。 公共インフラ整備計画への民間投資を推進する際、ADBは民間セクターが背負うべきリスクや責任を政府が肩代わりし、企業の利益を保証するようお膳立てをしてきました。 ADBが推し進める民営化は、単に公的債務負担を増加させただけではありません。債務返済の正当性に疑問を持たざるを得ない「不当な債務」が蓄積し続けています。コミュニティや環境に甚大な被害を与えるようなプロジェクトや政策に対すADBの融資が、「不当な債務」を生み出しています。 「戦略2020」とLTSFにおいて、ADBは臆面もなく、さらに野心的に、民間セクターに対して一層の支援を行うことを表明しています。 「経済成長がアジアの貧困削減をもたらした」という主張を再び持ち出し、新戦略ではの民間部門の開発・業務推進のための資金援助の飛躍的増加を謳いあげています。2020年までには民間部門の開発・業務推進のために業務の約5割を当てる予定です(2007年には12%)。 「開発に対する民間部門の一層の関与」へのADBの強力な支援は、とりもなおさず、利益を保証された巨大ビジネスが野放図に振舞うことで生じるリスクをただで公共部門と一般民衆に肩代わりさせることを意味しています。 私たちはADBに訴えます-私たちの未来と私たちの権利は売り物ではない! 署名団体 Campaign Network on the Peoples Right to Essential Services and Natural Resources Jubilee South – Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development NGO Forum on the ADB Friends of the Earth International Public Services International South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) Migrant Forum in Asia Focus on the Global South Alternatives Asia 11.11.11 Belgium Freedom from Debt Coalition - Philippines Least Developed Country Watch - Nepal Rural Reconstruction Nepal Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF) - India Institute for Essential Services Reform - Indonesia KRUHA - Indonesia GARPU - Indonesia NADI - Indonesia Nadi Ghati Morcha - India River Basin Friends - India Joint Action against Water Privatisation in Korea Korean Federation Public Services and Transportion Worker's Unions The Public Services Committee of HKCTU - HongKong Solidarity of Filipino Workers (BMP) - Philippines Makabayan Pilipinas Sanlakas - Philippines Kalayaan! - Philippines Union of Filipino Socialists (BISIG) - Philippines Center for Popular Empowerment (CPE) - Philippines Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation (MSN) - Malaysia Koalisi Anti Utang - Indonesia Jubilee Kyushu on World Debt and Poverty - Japan ATTAC Japan International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) - Indonesia National Confederation of Officers' Associations - India Jatiyo Sramik Jote (Trade Union Alliance) - Bangladesh CREED Alliance Pakistan Sindh Democratic Forum - Pakistan Pakistan FisherFolk Forum Jubilee Kansai Network - Japan Kansai Action Center on Philippine Human Rights Issues - Japan WomanHealth - Philippines Welga ng Kababaihan - Philippines Women's Crisis Center - Philippines Anibang ng Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA) - Philippines Kongreso ng Pinagkaisang Maralitang Tagalunsod (KPML) - Philippines KAKAMMPI - Philippines Community Development Library -Bangladesh BIND - Philippines Urban Research Centre - India International Accountability Project - USA 原文 -------------- ADB Strategy 2020: Selling Asia to the Private Sector The 41st Annual Governors Meeting (AGM) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is taking place in Madrid, Spain from May 3 to 6, 2008. One of the main agenda of this meeting is the ADB's strategy for the next years for what it describes as a 'New Asia.' The ADB calls it "Strategy 2020" and is contained in the paper called the "Long Term Strategic Framework (LTSF)." According to ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda, this new strategy "reshapes, redirects, repositions ADB for a more innovative and effective development role in our rapidly changing region and within the international aid architecture." For forty years we have been witness to ADB's support for the private sector and advocacy of free market policies, and the consequent harmful impacts on services, livelihoods, food security and the environment. It has been a major driver of privatization of services in the region, along with the World Bank. It has been involved in the privatization of water services in Indonesia, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Nepal and Srilanka. It financed power privatization-related projects in the Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, India and others. The privatization of these services has led to huge and continuous increases in rates, much diminished access of poor households and communities to these services, the monopoly of natural resources by private businesses, massive dislocations of communities, and environmental damage. ADB has also actively provided support for private (as well as public) investments in fossil-fuel projects particularly coal, thus contributing to harmful and climate change-causing technologies. In facilitating private investment in public infrastructure programs, it has supported and promoted public guarantees of private risks, liabilities and profits in these investments. ADB's drive for privatization not only contributed to increasing the burden of public debts, it has led to the further accumulation of illegitimate debts. Illegitimate debts include ADB loans that financed projects and policies that have caused grievous harm to communities and the environment. With its Strategy 2020 and LTSF -- the ADB will be much, much more unabashed and aggressive in its support for the private sector. Arguing yet again that "economic growth has been the driving force for reducing poverty in the region, the new strategy calls for a big leap in its funding for private sector development and private sector operations. From 12% in 2007, by the year 2020 50% of its operations will be for the private sector. We can only expect that ADB greater support for 'stronger private sector involvement in development' would mean subjecting Asia to even more relentless pursuit of unregulated risk-free and publicly- guaranteed profits by big business. We say to the ADB – Our future, our rights are not for sale! PR |